Protein or peptide name:Brk1
Protein or peptide start site:222623990
Protein or peptide end site:22264217
ncRNA start site:222622762
ncRNA end site:222624303
Genome Browser:NA
Protein or peptide length:84aa
ncRNA type:lncRNA
ncRNA name:brk1
Entrez ID:NA
Experimental species:Zea mays
Experimental techniques:Northern blot/Western blotting
Experimental sample (cell line and/or tissue):Maize Leaf Epidermal Cells
Description:The Brk1 gene encodes a novel, 8 kD protein that is highly conserved in plants and animals, suggesting that BRK1-related proteins may function in actin-dependent aspects of cell polarization in a wide spectrum of eukaryotic organisms.
Subcellular location:NA
Function:The sPEP promotes multiple actin-dependent cell polarization events in the developing leaf epidermis; brk1 is orthologous to HSPC300.
Title of paper:A small, novel protein highly conserved in plants and animals promotes the polarized growth and division of maize leaf epidermal cells
Year of publication:2012